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Our company

His first contact with solid waste management Reinhard Göschl had in 1975. After finishing his education in mechanical engineering he was employed in an engineering company handling projects for the oil & gas industry in the Middle East (Kuwait) and flue gas cleaning projects in other countries. Further, he was responsible for the design and construction of several hazardous waste incineration plants in former Czechoslovakia and the UdSSR and for the main storage city of the largest hazardous waste treatment plant in Austria. In 1982, he changed to an Austrian Papermill acting as the project manager for the first and largest fluidized bed boiler for coal and RDF in Austria. There happened also his first contact with the paper industry and the recycling business.

Out of the necessity to source more wastepaper he invented the “separate collection” of recyclable waste fractions in households which was tested for the first time worldwide in a pilot program in Ravensburg/Germany, together with Mr. Gerjet Koch from the glass recycling business. This new separate-at-source collection scheme boosted from 1984 onwards in Germany. Soon later more parts of Europe and the world followed. - A new way to recover recyclable parts from the waste stream was born, and together with it a new responsibility of every household to engage in recycling and environmental protection.


In October 1985, Mr. Göschl founded his own consulting company to support customers to introduce the new separate collection scheme. The company did many projects in Germany but also developed the first separate collection project in Austria in 1985 (“WET/DRY system”). This innovative new way of collecting and treatment of the separately collected waste was a landmark for the newly established waste management world. Mr. Goeschl was the founder of this project, the designer and investor, and also the managing director of the first PPP Company in that business worldwide.


His consultancy company expanded by establishing subsidiaries in Germany, France, Czech Republic, Korea, Canada, Romania, UAE and Bahrain. It developed very innovative and effective new processes and machinery for the treatment of solid waste. The Ballistic separator, the registration of each collection bin within the collection car, new composting systems, the treatment of waste fractions according to their physical properties (Splitting system) and the production of RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) – all had their roots at Mr. Goeschl and his team. A very prospective achievement was the development of the landfill mining system in combination with the SMELL WELL System which allows the successful conversion of a former old dump to a new land area for real estate or infrastructure developments. 

While being involved in the operation of biogas plants in Austria and Czech Republic Mr. Göschl developed an effective anaerobe digesting system (ADOS process to produce renewable energy out of mixed solid and separate collected kitchen waste and other industrial and commercial organic waste.


Although officially already retired Mr. Goeschl is still very active, running the Anaerobic Digestion Plant “APBB” in Přibyšice (Czech Republic) as managing director and working on selected projects for clients. Being one of the founders of modern solid waste management and having more than 40 years’ experience in this field allows Mr. Goeschl and his team to find the best and safest solution for any waste management problem. 

“Our Experience is Your success”


Reinhard Goeschl Consulting



Steggasse 42

2823 Pitten

Phone: +43 2627 82691

Cell: +43 676 3233 260



VIA spol sro.


Přibyšice 40

257 56 Neveklov

Cell: +420 778 097 967


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